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Supplementary to the counselling services Iphiko provides, children’s work is very important to us.

Iphiko partners with the local church in the provision of children's work, primarily through childcare crèches - helping to provide a safe space for vulnerable children who are at risk of being traumatised due to the high incidence of child/infant sexual abuse.  

Pastor Vussi’s church crèche looks after over 200 children, some of whom are refugees from neighbouring countries.  


As they are there illegally, the government will not provide for them.



Without the safety of this crèche, many of these children face violence and rape from predators who take advantage of their isolation while their parents or care-givers are working.  

Iphiko has historically given a great deal of financial support to this work, which has allowed Pastor Vussi to invest in water tanks, folding tables and chairs for the new after-school building, seeds for the garden, vegetable plants and other requirements the children might have had. 


Although there are still ongoing needs and occasional financial support is still provided by Iphiko, together with children's work during visits, much of Iphiko's energies are now directed to the church plant in Elukwatini.  We are hoping to be able to pay a small honorarium to the children's worker who is coordinating this work.

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